What to Do Before Your Mommy Makeover

If motherhood has affected the way you look at your body and how you feel about your appearance, you may rely on certain strategies to cover up. The thing is it’s impossible to stay in hiding. Your body is something you deserve to feel good about. It goes wherever you go, so it makes sense to nourish it, nurture it, and make it all you want it to be. Sometimes, this means undergoing certain plastic surgery procedures to correct changes brought on by pregnancy, breastfeeding, and devoting nearly all of your time to others.

The idea of a makeover is exciting. Questions about the process, though, can seem like an enormous obstacle. Here, we want to break down some of the best things you can do before a mommy makeover to improve the overall experience.

Focus on the Biggest Factor First

What is the biggest factor in having a good mommy makeover experience? Your surgeon! Before scheduling surgery, it is wise to research surgeons in your area. Not just one. Not just two. Look into several plastic surgery offices to get information such as the doctor’s education and board-certification, years in practice, and areas of specialty. After doing this, schedule a consultation with at least two of the surgeons who have your desired qualifications and experience.

Preparing for Mommy Makeover Surgery

Some of the most meaningful actions taken before cosmetic surgery are those that will improve the recovery period and the outcome of treatment. These include:

  • Make healthy choices. Patients who smoke should stop. Nicotine use in any form can prevent optimal tissue healing. Avoiding nicotine improves blood flow and inhibits the risk of noticeable scarring. Alcohol consumption should also decrease before surgery to decrease the risk of bleeding, bruising, and hematoma. Finally, nourish your body with fresh foods and lean meats as a means of optimizing energy storage before surgery.
  • Prepare your schedule. Patients benefit from about 2 weeks of downtime after mommy makeover surgery. It can take this long to just start feeling like your normal self, and another few weeks to fully regain the energy you need to get through an average day.
  • Prepare yourself and your caregivers. In our next post, we will discuss what you can expect after mommy makeover surgery. Knowing what your recovery may entail will help you communicate efficient expectations of your caregivers, whether that be a spouse, friend, or family member. Expect to need help getting to and from bed, including using the bathroom and bathing. Arrange meals ahead of time, and have reliable childcare for at least a few weeks.

There are several small steps that can lead you to an outstanding mommy makeover experience. We’re here to help. If you’re ready to schedule your consultation, call our San Antonio office at 210-227-3223.

Posted in: Mommy Makeover

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