The Finer Points of a Man’s Appearance
- Posted on: Sep 30 2019
For many years, men have been portrayed as humans who don’t tend to care much about how they look. This couldn’t be the farthest thing from the truth. In our experience, men do care; they may care about their appearance as much as the women in their lives. They just haven’t talked much about it. When men started expressing their interest in looking better with the help of “cosmetic” treatments, we began to hear terms like “manscaping” and “metrosexual.”
Fortunately, more people are learning to drop labels these days. This is freeing us up to express our truest selves and our desires for how we show up in the world. Men, you deserve to feel your best. Some of the ways that experts say this can be achieved include:
Refining the Face
Several aspects of the face portray youthfulness. Not only that, but the face also eludes to character traits such as trustworthiness, successfulness, motivation, and friendliness. How you refine your face has little to do with lines and wrinkles and more to do with bringing out your best features. Consider:
- Getting your teeth whitened.
- Eliminating frown lines with Botox.
- Getting rid of your double chin with neck liposuction.
- Smoothing away a turkey-neck with a neck lift.
- Strengthening your jawline with a chin implant or a lower facelift.
- Refreshing your vibe with eyelid rejuvenation.
Maximizing Body Shape
Many men want to keep their body looking and feeling strong at every age. This can become challenging as hormones change and life happens at warp-speed. Body contouring procedures have become increasingly popular among men and for good reason, they get results. Some of the common procedures that our male patients seek include:
- Liposuction of the stomach or flanks
- Abdominoplasty to tighten loose muscles and flatten the stomach
- Gynecomastia treatment to eliminate “man boobs”
Every person who is interested in feeling their best deserves to openly discuss treatments that will help them achieve this. The team in our San Antonio office provides friendly care and clear, concise information regarding treatment options for facial and body enhancement. To learn more,schedule a consultationwith us at 210-227-3223.
Posted in: Male Plastic Surgery