Cosmetic Ear Surgery (Otoplasty) in San Antonio, TX
If you feel insecure about the shape or prominence of your ears, or if you wish to correct deformations caused by trauma or injuries, give Dr. Eric S. Schaffer a call (210) 227-3223 to learn about the benefits of Otoplasty! At our San Antonio practice, our talented physicians can answer your questions and help you determine whether you are a candidate for ear surgery!
What is Otoplasty?
Otoplasty is a term that refers to cosmetic surgical correction of external ear deformities due to abnormalities of positioning, shape, and size. While external ear deformities come in many varieties (i.e. Dumbo ears, cup ear, lop ear, Machiavellian ear, Spock ear, etc.), the correction of prominent ears (ears that stick out too far from the side of the head) is the most commonly performed significant external ear cosmetic plastic surgery by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Eric Schaffer.
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Candidates For Ear Surgery
People of all ages, whether you are an adult or adolescence, who feel very self-conscious about their ears already qualify for an Otoplasty. Many times the procedures are performed on kids between the age of 4 and 14, mainly because the ear is fully developed by age 4. This helps the surgeons to create the confidence you deserve before a child even goes into their first day of school. Finally, you must be in good health and have a generally realistic expectation of what a surgeon can do.
Ear Surgery Before & After Photos
What is the best age for Ear Pinning?
Otoplasty can be performed during childhood or adulthood. The primary factor in being a good candidate for this surgery is being physically and mentally healthy and having fully-formed ears. The ears are typically fully grown by the age of 6. For this reason, and because children start school around that age, many otoplasty patients are children. Correcting malformed or protruding ears early in life can prevent unnecessary psychological trauma caused by teasing and low self-esteem.
Can stretched earlobes go back to normal?
Earlobes that have been stretched may naturally go back to normal. Whether or not this happens depends on a few critical factors. These include how the earlobe was stretched and how quickly, how much the earlobe was stretched, and how long it has been healing.
A person’s skin condition and elastic will also affect their ability to heal completely from earlobe stretching.
Earlobe stretching may be done in a few different ways. If the earlobe is punched or stretched by weight it down, the resulting scar tissue may make a return to normal unlikely. How far the earlobe is stretched also determines if scar tissue will form. Expanding gauges larger than 00g reduces the chances of the ear going back to normal. Earlobes that have been gauged for several years or have been left to heal for several years probably will not go back to normal on their own. If stretching is more recent and has not persisted for very long, the earlobes may shrink significantly.
There are no hard and fast rules about how well the earlobes will heal after being stretched. However, earlobe repair can restore better shape and symmetry when necessary.
Prominent Ear Correction
Correction of prominent ears is especially gratifying as it can improve your appearance and put an end to the psychological trauma caused by taunting and teasing or just plain being stared at. Beginning when the ear is nearly fully grown at approximately at the age of 5 to 6 years old, cosmetic surgeon Dr. Eric Schaffer can safely perform otoplasty with satisfying results. For school-age children, the psychological benefits may be profound with not only improved socialization but better academic performance as well. Adults also experience improved self-esteem and self-confidence which may help with career advancement.
Prominent ears can result from 1 or more exaggerated features of the external ear (known in medical terms as the pinna). The most common features of the external ear (pinna) requiring otoplasty are unfurling of the antihelix (the first prominent ridge inside the rim of the ear), an overly large concha (the bowl-shaped area behind the tragus and ear canal), or a concha that is excessively angulated away from the head. When performing your otoplasty, Dr. Eric Schaffer will take into account the unique aspects of your ear and use various oncoplastic techniques in an artistic fashion to help you achieve maximal improvement in the appearance of your ear. Correction of external ear deformities is performed under either local or general anesthesia as an outpatient. Recovery and return to work or school are usually rapid. Most often, the incisions are hidden behind the ear and cannot be readily seen. Combined with a natural-appearing ear, the lack of an easily visible scar makes the fact that you had an otoplasty almost undetectable.
Does Ear Surgery Hurt?
Otoplasty is performed using local anesthesia and sedation or with general anesthesia. Both of these techniques calm the nervous system and inhibit the transference of pain sensations to the brain. Patients are comfortable throughout their procedures. During the recovery period, prescription pain medication maintains comfort.
Otoplasty Before and After Photos
Earlobe Repair/ Earlobe Reduction
Earlobe repair and earlobe reduction are common types of external ear cosmetic plastic surgeries. Most often, earlobe repair involves correction of either an elongated earring hole or repair of a split earlobe that resulted when an earring completed pulled through the earlobe. Repairs are simple. Your procedure will be performed in the Board Certified Plastic Surgeon office of Dr. Eric Schaffer under local anesthesia. Recovery is quick with no significant downtime from work. Your earlobe can even be repaired over lunchtime with immediate return to work. The same can be said for earlobe reduction which is used to reduce an overly large, long, redundant, or hanging earlobe. Once the correction has been accomplished and your ear is fully healed, your earlobe will be re-pierced for you by Dr. Schaffer free of charge.
Keloid Removal Before and After
Recovery From Ear Surgery
Patients usually feel normal only hours after the surgery has been completed, but, in some cases, you may feel your ears throb or ache for a few days or less. Usually, medications can be prescribed to help with any pain or discomfort you may have. after about a few days or so, the bandages on your head will be replaced with a surgical dressing that must be worn for around a week, then the stitches are finally removed. Avoid sleeping on your sides for about 2 weeks post-surgery. Even after only a week, many patients return to their daily lives and activities.
How long does earlobe repair take to heal?
After earlobe repair, a small amount of swelling, bruising, and soreness is possible. The incisions may itch for a few days. These minor side effects typically do not prevent people from doing most normal activities. Some patients return to work on the day their procedure, taking care to follow instructions for cleaning and applying antibiotics as directed.
If desired, an ice pack may be applied to the earlobe to help reduce swelling. When going outdoors, it is necessary to protect the earlobe from the sun. This can be done by wearing a wide-brimmed had. Strenuous activities must also be avoided. No high-intensity cardio or weight lifting for three weeks.
Does otoplasty last forever?
Most commonly. Once the ears are pinned or reshaped, an improved appearance is expected to remain. Trauma or injury to the repaired ear may alter the final result.
Does Ear Pinning affect hearing?
Otoplasty surgery reshapes the ear by pinning or reshaping only the tissue or cartilage of the outer ear. The middle and inner ear, which are responsible for hearing, are not areas of focus during otoplasty, so hearing is not affected.
Ear Surgery Patient Testimonial
I have always been a little uncomfortable with the size and shape of my earlobes so after much consideration, I decided I would fix them. After doing my research I found that Dr. Schaffer was the plastic surgeon for me. I contacted Dr. Schaffer’s office to set up a consultation and was very pleased by the helpful response of Dr. Schaffer’s receptionist. They were a really nice bunch. Overall it was a great experience. I couldn’t be happier with my ears and I feel comfortable with myself now. Thank you Dr. Schaffer. – J.G.
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Call Dr. Schaffer For An Otoplasty Consultation In San Antonio!
If you are interested in our getting the otoplasty procedure, call 210-227-3223 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Eric Schaffer. You can also fill out the form in our contact page to book your personalized ear surgery appointment! Our practice serves San Antonio, Austin, and surrounding areas in TX.