When Being Critical about Your Breasts is a Good Thing
- Posted on: Nov 30 2017
Breast augmentation is a common procedure sought by women who want to build on what Mother Nature has given them. Many of the women we meet with to discuss breast implant surgery are tired of living with breasts that are too small for their frame. Another common complaint is the loss of volume that occurs as a result of the unique biological experiences women face. In either situation, optimal results from breast augmentation are, in part, due to the expert performance of an experienced cosmetic surgeon.
Dr. Schaffer has performed thousands of procedures on patients from the San Antonio area, and even from other countries. His reputation as a conscientious cosmetic surgeon makes him a reliable resource for obtaining pertinent information regarding breast enhancement. Additionally, though, every single patient who chooses to add shape and volume to her breasts is also integral to the outcome.
I’ll Take My Usual
When you visit your favorite coffee shop morning after morning, these are words you may find yourself saying. Of course, you wouldn’t dream of saying the same thing to your cosmetic surgeon. But this very scenario plays out uniquely. What often happens at the onset of a breast-enhancement process is a woman expresses interest in a “C cup,” or some other general bra size. There is nothing particularly wrong with this. Women purchase bras all the time, so the cup-size that is the norm is how most women think of their breasts. We don’t do this.
Typically, the consultation for breast augmentation involves discussion of general sizing. We also look at weight and height, and the condition of the skin that overlies breast tissue, to determine the most appropriate volume for breast implants. The goal is harmony across your entire shape, not bulk at the breast-line.
Get Critical; It’s Ok!
One of the most advantageous things a woman can do as she prepares for breast augmentation is to get critical. The more specific a woman can be in her awareness of her desired outcome the better. Pictures can help, but cannot be the sole guide. When observing the shape and size of breasts on other women, such as in a Before and After Gallery, it is vital to take into account the overall shape of that woman. The appearance of the breasts will harmonize with body-type. So, if you’re tall and lanky, observe images that look similar, not images of a very petit woman.
The best way to know what to expect from breast augmentation is to schedule a personal consultation with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon. To schedule time with Dr. Schaffer, call 210-227-3223.
Posted in: Breast Augmentation