Guys, Are You Wondering about Male Breast Reduction?
- Posted on: Mar 15 2019
Man Boobs is a term that has been thrown around like a proverbial hot potato. It may sound funny to hear it, but for the guy whose chest has grown too large and soft for its own good, man boobs is a term that cuts to the core. In recent years, studies have indicated that male breast enlargement, or gynecomastia, is much more common than had been imagined. Research into this condition also suggests that weight is not to blame for most cases.
As researchers have continued to study gynecomastia, they have discovered that the enlargement of the male breast typically is not a health concern. This is good news. The even better news is that there are ways to address the issue. If you have been relying on baggy clothing to disguise enlarged breasts, have been working out like a beast to try and tame breast tissue, or considering potentially dangerous herbal supplements to bring back your masculine form, we would like to think you’re also considering the one proven method of correcting gynecomastia: surgery.
Gynecomastia surgery also referred to as male breast reduction, can dramatically improve the curvature of the chest. Because surgery comes with some unknowns, we realize that most men have questions about this procedure. One of the biggest is what to expect during recovery.
What to Expect after Male Breast Reduction
Men understand that gynecomastia surgery will likely cause swelling, bruising, and discomfort. However, these are pretty minor side effects that are managed with medication and compression. Bigger questions may revolve around returning to an active lifestyle and what else may occur during recovery. Let’s dive in.
- Exercise may begin to resume as early as one week after surgery. Moves are limited to lower body exercises and a level at which there is no “pushing it.” The more extensive the surgery, the longer a patient will need to wait before working out. Upper body exercise typically does not resume any earlier than 5-weeks post-op.
- Surgery is taxing. One of the surprising side effects a man may experience is fatigue. Feeling tired and depleted does not mean something is wrong. It is a common effect indicating the physical toll of surgery. Listen. Rest. It’s the best way to recuperate.
- Emotions inbound! Surgery affects the body, which affects the chemicals in the brain. Men should not be surprised if they experience emotional ups and downs during the weeks of gynecomastia recovery. This is normal. Talk about it. Have a support system. Know this will pass. Above all, don’t judge yourself for being human.
Gynecomastia surgery can change your life. To learn more about the technique that is right for you, call our San Antonio office at 210-227-3223.
Posted in: Breast Reduction