Tummy Tuck Exclusively Designed for Men
- Posted on: May 15 2022
Tummy tucks are not just for women. As a man, you can optimize the aesthetic cut of your midsection with abdominoplasty exclusively designed for men. No need to fear that your midsection will be feminized. Under the skillful care of Dr. Eric S. Schaffer, you can achieve a man’s-man’s tummy tuck.
Tummy Tuck for Men
There is a distinctive difference in fat growth and distribution between men and women.
This is the contrast:
- Women accumulate fat in the layers between the abdomen muscle and skin
- Men build up fat inside the abdomen and around the intestines
Men shy away from seeking a tummy tuck because they are under the misconception that the procedure is designed for women only. Abdominoplasty is not exclusively designed for women who are post-pregnancy or have lost a significant amount of weight. Dr. Eric Schaffer has been dismissing this myth by catering his tummy tuck practice to men with the focus on a male aesthetic cut.
Tummy Tuck Techniques for Men
The goal of a tummy tuck is to remove excess skin and reduce stubborn fat pockets after a substantial weight loss.
Abdominoplasty techniques for men:
- A minimally invasive tummy tuck removes only the surplus skin underneath the belly button.
- A moderately invasive tummy tuck removes mild to moderate excess skin and fat below and above the belly button. In this procedure, the belly button is lowered to reduce scarring that could be visible while wearing underwear or a bathing suit.
- An upmost tummy tuck removes substantial loose skin above and below the belly button with a focus on overextended abdominal muscles. Skin is taken off the abdominal muscle to level out with the ribs. Abs are then tightened with sutures likened to that of a corset.
Get Your Customized Tummy Tuck
Only a customized tummy tuck plan will give a man the opportunity to achieve his aesthetic goals. Dr. Schaffer is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has performed abdominoplasty procedures for over 30 years. Call 210-227-3223 to schedule your consultation for abdominoplasty surgery by Dr. Schaffer in San Antonio, TX.
Posted in: Tummy Tuck